Image of the Week directory from previous years: 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 Image of December 25, 2010:
Plate movement sensor at the SDSU Sky Oaks Field Station.
Image of December 18, 2010:
Antenna repair at the SDSU Mt. Laguna Observatory by
Pablo Bryant (left) and Jim Hale (right).
Image of December 11, 2010:
CAL FIRE Battalion Chief Marc Hafner while installing an HPWREN
antenna at their Rainbow Conservation Camp.
Image of December 4, 2010: 2010 HPWREN flyer, created by Monika Braun.
Image of November 27, 2010: Image of November 20, 2010:
First frost of the season on Toro Peak. An
animation shows the ice growing.
Image of November 13, 2010:
Pablo Bryant (SDSU) and Marc Hafner (CAL FIRE) while installing an
environmental camera system on a mountaintop tower.
Image of November 6, 2010:
Jim Hale doing repair work at an HPWREN backbone site.
Image of October 30, 2010:
Fog and clouds, as seen from an HPWREN environmental network camera.
Image of October 23, 2010: Image of October 16, 2010: LIVE interactions from the HPWREN-connected NPS Cabrillo National Monument with a Diversity Days event at an auditorium in the Department of Interior's Main Interior Building in Washington, DC. Photo by Kimberly Mann Bruch
Image of October 9, 2010:
Replaced fuels moisture and fuel temperature sticks at an HPWREN
backbone site.
Image of October 2, 2010: Image of September 25, 2010:
Live "catch" with an automated network camera and a new lens at
the NPS Cabrillo National Monument.
Image of September 18, 2010:
Sensors at a relay site near Mount Woodson.
Image of September 11, 2010:
Redirected camera at the NPS Cabrillo National Monument for a better
view of the tidepools.
Image of September 4, 2010:
Little vandals unleashing their destructive power on an antenna.
An about 92MB 13+ minutes video
is available.
Image of August 28, 2010: What a difference a second makes.... (as automatically seen by an HPWREN motion-detect camera) Retardant operations had a minor glitch from Ramona AAB during product transfer from Airslide trailer. Lots of clean-up required by airbase staff. The powder is moved using low air pressure from truck transfer, about 6-10 PSI as the air escapes out when powder moves inside. NOTE: No one was hurt after the airsock broke on back of retardant trailer, causing P-100 powder burst into air surrounding operations, loading pits and way out & over T-70 in pit #1 about 100' away. The airsock lets the air out as powder goes into trailer. Image caption by Ron Serabia
Image of August 21, 2010:
New 360 degree sector antenna system for Toro Peak, with and without radome.
Built and photographed by Glenn Offield.
Image of August 14, 2010:
A borehole being drilled as part of a new HPWREN-connected seismic
sensor array near Anza.
Image of August 7, 2010:
Weathered inside of a pan/tilt/zoom camera enclosure.
Image of July 31, 2010:
Aerial approach to a site with a motion-detect network camera.
Lake Henshaw can be seen in the background.
Image of July 24, 2010: Wolf (and raven) spectrum analyzer outputs from a newly deployed
acoustics sensor at the HPWREN-connected
California Wolf
Center. The images above are rotated for better fit on this web
/Acoustics/CWC-acsensor1.html shows the
sound samples as they are being collected, only a few of them
actually contain wolf howls. Clicking on either image will lead to an
almost 6 megabyte sound file in .wav format.
Image of July 17, 2010: Initial experimental setup for a wind-based power generator on the roof of the San Diego Supercomputer Center. The plan is to move it to an HPWREN site where solar power alone has proven insufficient after many cloudy days. Photo by Jim Hale
Image of July 10, 2010: Wildflowers near Anza at a seismic sensor site being built. Photo by Monika Braun
Image of July 3, 2010: New acoustics sensor microphone at the California Wolf Center (available data). Photo by Jim Hale
Image of June 26, 2010: Solar panels at a Tribal Digital Village Network (TDVNet) site, which also hosts HPWREN equipment. Photo by Monika Braun
Image of June 19, 2010:
Antenna in need of repair at an HPWREN backbone site.
Image of June 12, 2010:
Sensor data logger and power setup at one of the HPWREN backbone
Image of June 5, 2010: Forest setting at the SDSU Mount Laguna Observatory. Photo by Monika Braun
Image of May 29, 2010:
Testing of a new hydrology sensor, in collaboration with the SDSU Field
Stations Program.
Image of May 22, 2010:
Networked motion-detect bird landing on the recently installed perch at the NPS Cabrillo National Monument tidepools. Image of May 15, 2010:
Fog below Lyons Peak, as seen by an HPWREN network camera.
Image of May 8, 2010: New bird perch at the NPS Cabrillo National Monument in front of a motion-detect network camera. Photo by Jim Hale
Image of May 1, 2010:
"Air Show" at the NPS Cabrillo National Monument.
Image of April 24, 2010:
Late snow on Mount Laguna, looking down toward the desert floor, as
seen by an HPWREN motion-detect network camera.
Image of April 17, 2010: Access point installation for Live Interactive Virtual Explorations activities near the NPS Cabrillo National Monument lighthouse. Photo by (not sure who took it)
Image of April 10, 2010: Tower climbing and rescue class at one of the backbone sites. Photo by Susan Teel
Image of April 3, 2010:
HPWREN indoor equipment on Mt. Woodson, after re-installing the UPS and
adding a PDU.
Image of March 27, 2010:
HPWREN communications equipment at the Palomar Observatory.
Image of March 20, 2010: 3-D cameras and sensor setup with Pablo Bryant at the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve for the SDSU Science Festival Photo by Jim Hale
Image of March 13, 2010: Image of March 6, 2010:
Pablo Bryant (SDSU FSP) with Calit2 participants Zac Dooley and
Javier Rodriguez Molina realigning an antenna at an HPWREN backbone
Image of February 27, 2010:
Mountain Empire School Science Teacher Roger Wynn is talking via LIVE-3D
to National Park Service Intern and CSUCI student Nick de Roulhac
at the NPS Cabrillo National Monument. Roger participated from the
exhibit of this year's annual meeting of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, using special glasses to view the
images from two projectors via polarizing filters. The Cabrillo
National Monument setup included two cameras. Two separate simultaneous
skype streams provided the video data transport.
Image of February 20, 2010:
Calit2 participants Zac Dooley, Kenneth Domond, and Javier Rodriguez
Molina helping to stabilize and realign an antenna at an HPWREN
backbone site.
Image of February 13, 2010:
Ice falling off a microwave tower at about 8700 feet high Toro Peak.
The image was taken by a motion-detect camera.
Image of February 6, 2010:
Storage for old but re-usable HPWREN antennas.
Image of January 30, 2010:
Solar panels at the SDSU Sky Oaks Field Station.
Image of January 24, 2010:
The images are from Monday, January 18, 2010. Image of January 16, 2010:
February 3, 2000 photo from a first site survey at a then future
HPWREN backbone site, putting the beginnings of HPWREN about ten years
Image of January 9, 2010:
Bud and Jim Hale re-aligning an HPWREN backbone antenna of a 155Mbps
Image of January 2, 2010:
"Blue Moon" above San Diego on New Year's Eve, as seen by a networked
camera at the NPS Cabrillo National Monument at Point Loma.